Cropping Inputs
No matter what type of crop you are growing McGregor Gourlay has all your cropping input requirements covered. Our long-standing relationships with the highest quality manufacturing and global suppliers in the industry help ensure you get the right product at the right price; with results you can trust.
Whether it is knock-down or residual herbicides, fungicides, synthetic or natural based insecticides and fertilisers, growth regulators or stimulants, biological or organic inputs you need to maximise yield and to help improve soil and plant health and sustainability we can supply it.
Our experienced agronomy team work closely with many of these companies to conduct on-farm research and development trials and demonstrations to help bring new products to market. This means our agronomists and clients are ahead of the pack and are already familiar with these new products when they are commercially released.
Global supply chain issues look like they are here to stay. This makes product forecasting an important factor to consider. Our team of agronomists and product procurement specialists can work with you to plan and budget your cropping input requirements ensuring you have what you need when you need it.