With thousands of smaller rural acreage farms across the Northern Rivers, McGregor Gourlay are proud to offer a team of Agronomists that specialise in horticulture industries including macadamias, tea tree, nut crops, stone fruit, passionfruit, berries and vegetables.

From backyard producers and hobby farmers, to large scale farming operations, our Agronomy team can provide an outstanding level of experience across a wide range of cropping environments. By providing growers a practical, personalised approach to crop rotation, management and planning, together with soil and water conservation and regeneration, can assist with not only the financial and agronomic objectives but also supporting the long-term goals of the individual farmer.

With sound, sustainable farming practices, not just the quick fix and we can offer one of the largest ranges of organic or BFA certified products for those who wish to farm 100% organically.

From tissue testing, to residual soil disease testing, in crop integrated pest management, nutrient analysis and in crop analysis and reporting, our Agronomists work with leading global suppliers in plant and soil stimulants, biological inoculants, beneficials and cover crops to help our growers achieve maximum soil health, increase production and harvest product and provide economical and environmental sustainability for the long term future.

Farming is dynamic and changes over the past few years towards promoting healthy soil life is vital to our future generation. From conventional to organic farming, sustainable and regenerative and everything in between. McGregor Gourlay has you covered.

For the latest in Horticulture contact our team today.
