Soil, Plant Testing and Analysis

Soil is the most important resource in all agricultural systems. Ensuring your soil is strong, fertile, and healthy is critical to the success of your crops and the environmental sustainability of your entire operation. By conducting in-depth soil sampling and plant tissue testing puts you in the best position to achieve up to date insights to maximise the potential of your farm.

From broadacre, cotton, horticulture, to sugar cane and pastures, our expert network of Agronomists use soil and tissue testing to better understand the status of the soil and plant health across your property. The chemical, physical and biological makeup of samples are measured to determine recommendations for the most appropriate fertiliser or ameliorant product to suite your requirements.

When working with our team you benefit from report interpretation and analysis with technical guidance that is tailored to the individual requirements of your production system. Not only looking at the needs of the next crop but the effects of cropping history and past seasonal conditions on nutrient availability and soil and plant health into the future.

The McGregor Gourlay Agronomy team are constantly evolving soil and tissue analysis techniques based on new methods of research combined with years of experience and understanding of soil variability and history to help you make effective and sustainable management decisions.

To get the most out of your land, contact the team to book your soil test in today.
